Benefits of Lemon Juice on the Skin


The lemon is a citrus fruit that contains vitamin C, citric acid, B vitamins, carbohydrates and a small amount of protein. Commonly used around the world as food and medicine, the juice of the lemon may also be applied topically to benefit your skin. Lemon juice is mildly acidic, so it may sting or temporarily irritate your skin when it is applied. Therefore, if your skin is sensitive, dilute the juice with water and use a cotton ball or your fingertips to apply it to your skin.

Diminishes Scars
Lemon juice may aid in diminishing the appearance of scars and age spots. It may also reduce the appearance of scars left behind from acne lesions. Melasma, a skin condition that results in the hyperpigmentation of the face during pregnancy, may also benefit from regular applications of lemon juice. For the treatment of scars, apply a small amount of lemon juice to the area of concern and splash with cool water. You can also leave the lemon juice on your skin overnight and rinse any residue off in the morning.

Heals Acne
The antibacterial properties of lemon juice make it a good natural treatment for acne, and when applied to your skin regularly, lemon juice may speed up the healing of acne lesions and prevent future breakouts. Lemon juice may be used to successfully remove blackheads. HealthGuidance recommends rubbing the juice of a fresh lemon over the blackheads at bedtime, and over time they will begin to disappear. This treatment should be followed by rinsing your skin with cool water every morning and using a moisturizer.

If your skin is oily, lemon juice may be applied to your face to reduce the oiliness. The citric acid contained in lemon juice works as a mild skin peel by removing the outermost layer of your skin and reducing shine. The daily use of lemon juice on your face as a skin toner will gently remove dead skin cells, revealing a brighter, smoother complexion.



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