The Facts about Oily Skin

To take proper care of oily skin we first need to know the reason behind it. Commonly, it is know that oily skin occurs due to excessive released of sebum, which is an oily substance that is naturally produced by the skin. Oily skin is prone to pimple and acne because of extreme release of sebum, which clogs the pores of the skin. The problems’ pertaining to oily skin damages the skin and look of an individual. Therefore, it becomes utmost important to take care of the oily skin and prevent it from damaging or causing any problems.

To commence the care of oily skin the first thing one needs to do is the removal of excessive sebum or oil from the skin. However, it should be known that entire oil must not be removed from the skin; sufficient amount of oil is also required by the skin to function well. To start with, you need to select a cleanser best suited for your skin, preferably one with salicylic acid (beta-hydroxy acid), this helps to reduce excessive production of sebum. This selected cleanser must be applied twice a day and depending on the weather you can increase or decrease number of applications, i.e.; When the weather is humid and hot, you should increase the frequency of usage.

Before you buy any product specially advised for oily skin, you must check the varied ingredients of the product. Especially when all skin types can use a particular product, proper care must be taken before selecting the product for your skin. Oily skin products also depend on the degree of oiliness one’s skin possesses. If your skin is not too oily, you can also opt for products used by all skin types. On the other hand, if your skin is to oily, you must stick to products specially designed only for oily skin type.

The next product required for oily skin is an alcohol-based toner which suits the best for excessive oily skin. The application of toner must be followed right after the use of the cleanser.

Moisturizer is the next essential product for oily skin care. You can select a light moisturizer for you oily skin. Alternatively, you can even opt for a clay mask, which serves the best remedy for oily skin.

Oily skin is difficult to be cared; you must use few good brands and see for yourself, which brand and product suits your skin the best, and stick to it. Or else you can take advice from your dermatologist who will guide you in a better way in advising the best products for your skin type. You should use Creams with vitamin A, sulphur or retinoids. These facts should be well known to take the best care of your oily skin.


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