Anti Wrinkle Skin Care Products For You

These products come out to be more cost effective than the invasive and expensive surgical procedures, while reversing the effects of aging through constant use. The glycation process of the skin is corrected with the use of these skin care products. This process bonds sugar molecules to a lipid molecule minus the arresting action of an enzyme, which results in wrinkling.

Dryness of the skin, over exposure to the harmful rays of the sun, and other extreme weather circumstances, all contribute to wrinkle formation on the skin. Wrinkles are effectively reduced with the use of anti wrinkle creams with concentrated moisturizing chemicals in it.

Because of the societal trend on keeping youthful appearances, these anti wrinkle skin care products have become highly in demand and popular in the market. This is more emphasized in the case of women, who have become obsessed with youthful, wrinkle-free skin. Women, in fact, are the main consumers of anti wrinkle creams worldwide.

While the skin care products have become highly in demand, there have been no specific basis as to the truthfulness of the claims of the manufacturers over their products. With the promise however of mimicking the curative effects of Botox injections and facelifts, these skin care products have been patronized by a great number of people. The marketability of these products rests from the claim that these could make for supple and smooth skin without going through the exorbitantly priced, invasive, and sometimes painful surgical procedures.

Vitamin A extracts have been found in some anti wrinkle creams and these are antioxidant compounds which are most beneficial to skin care. Vitamin A refreshes the skin by rectifying the proper functioning of dying epithelial cells in the skin. It also has retinol which cures the damages wrought by the ill effects of the environment. The anti wrinkle skin care products also contain alpha hydroxyl acids which effectively peel off the old skin and manifests the new skin. There is also the collagen content which counteracts skin dehydration and promotes healthy skin.

There are products which claim that facial muscles are relaxed, thereby preventing the untoward stretching of the skin which causes wrinkles. Several of these preparations contain the active ingredient GABA or the gamma amino butyric acid. Studies are ongoing in regard to the effects of GABA in countering skin wrinkles. GABA is supposed to be a form of muscle relaxant which is contained in acai berry pills and supplements. A lot of the skin care products contain shea butter which is also effective in skin enhancement and care.[source]


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