HTC EVO Shift 4G gets leaked

The HTC EVO Shift 4G, known as the Knight or the Speedy, is an Android device heading to Sprint.
Over at the SprintUsers forum, looks like member r0fl got their hands on the HTC Evo Shift 4G. On the 

SprintUsers forum has shown the Android slider with its keyboard extended but still in a third-party case. It can be clearly see a small spot on the left hand side of the ear speaker. It is possibly a front facing camera or proximity or light sensor. The Evo Shift 4G doesn’t have many details so far apart from its WiMAX connection.

The HTC EVO Shift 4G is, according to previously leaked specs and features, Sprint’s own T-Mobile G2 or HTC Desire Z version but with 4G WiMAX connectivity on top. However, like the Evo, the sensor may be hidden, leaving this to only be the front facing camera. Speculation is that this might be the HTC A7373 that is slated to arrive on Sprint on January 9th.

In possibly related news, Android Central nabbed an alleged screenshot of a Sprint database showing an “HTC A7373″ handset coming to Sprint on January 9th.


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