Malate Pensionne Manila


Just like other hotels in Manila, Malate Pensionne is perfectly located in the middle of the Malate Business District. It's closest to large malls like SM City Manila and most especially Robinsons Place Manila. Just as close at the populous malls, government buildings and institution are also located in the span of Malate.

This hotel is one of cheapest in terms of rates with upgraded modern technology and gadgets that will equip each clients and guest with services that need most importantly guests with business meetings or appointment. Malate Pensionne has the ambiance of old Manila which we can reminisce the lifestyle and culture before the present years. It also offers spacious rooms with air-conditioner and bathrooms with hot and cold shower options. Room Rates are affordable and reasonable. The rooms range from 430PHP to 2,365PHP reasonable to tagged as cheapest hotel in Manila.


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