Guava Juice

Popularly known as the superfruit, the apple shaped delicacy-- Guava is a tropical fruit. Cultivated in the shades of yellow and green, it offers a flavorful tasty burst that reminds of pears and strawberries. The tasty fruit juice, guava nectar is also used in a number of tropically themed alcoholic drinks, since the sweetness pairs well with alcohol. It may also be mixed with carbonated water to create a freshing cooling drink, in the production or sorbet and ice cream.

Guava juice is known to be a great thirst quencher as well as an extremely rich source of vitamin C and iron. It is believed that this tropical fruit was originally cultivated in the current day Mexico or Central America. Today the highly nutritious guava juice is enjoyed around the world. The major producers of guava in the world are India, Brazil, and Mexico.

The tropical Guava is the native of South America. When the early Spanish explorers moved to this region in the 1500s. they found Strawberry Guava, ‘Acca sellowiana O.,' growing as a tree. They adopted the Mesoamerican name for it when describing it to others and also started growing it in shrubs and small trees. History records that Seminole Indians were growing guava trees in Northern Florida in 1816.

"Guavaween" is a traditional central Florida event and fund raiser that is held every year to celebrate the advent of the guava corresponding to parades and festivals that are scheduled near Halloween at holidays Ybor City, Florida, an outskirt of Tampa, Florida. This "Guavaween" event is celebrated during the last of October each year.

Benefits of The Multi-Purpose Healer
Guava juice is an extremely rich blend of Vitamin C (the skin of guava contains more than 5 times Vit. C than that of an orange), Vitamin A and B, Calcium, Nicotinic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Folic Acid and Fibers. Owing to such an amazingly benefecial profile, the juice is advantageous for:

  • Constipation treatment
  • Prolonged menstruation
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol level
  • Poor circulation (strengthen the heart)
  • Congestion of the lungs
  • Acidosis
  • Asthma
  • Catarrh
  • Obesity
  • Scurvy

Beauty treatment: The juice has skin-smoothing, moisturizing properties as it contains carotenoids—powerful antioxidants that aid in skin renewal and protect against environmental toxins. It is a valuable component for anti-aging skin care as it contains moisture retaining B vitamins which help prevent the oxidation process of the cell. 

Dengue fever: Guava juice helps with dengue fever to purify your blood. It helps to keep the parasites out of your blood so that the blood platelets do not drop, with lower chance of getting malaria. 

Guava is an important source of vitamin C, which stimulates production of collagen and is involved in the building and health of cartilage, joints, skin, and blood vessels. Vitamin C also aids in neutralizing pollutants and has natural antihistamine properties which protect skin from skin diseases like hives, eczema, psoriasis, etc.


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