iPhone 4 jailbroken, but the exploit may not last

A hacker claims to have “jailbroken” the new iPhone 4, just a few days after the launch of Apple’s hot new device. This exploit repeats a pattern that has happened with all past iPhones and the iPad.

PlanetBeing posted pictures of a jailbroken iPhone this weekend via a Twitter update. The hacker used a version of the Spirit jailbreaking tool created by another hacker named comex, who jailbroke the previous iPhone.

Another hacker named MuscleNerd posted pictures of a jailbroken iPhone this weekend via a Twitter update. The picture on the right shows it running a high resolution version of Cydia and full root shell. That means they have taken control of the iPhone and can load whatever software they want onto it. Cydia is a software app for the iPhone that lets a user browse and download apps for a jailbroken iPhone. Cydia is not authorized by Apple, since it allows users to load unauthorized apps on their iPhones.

But Apple is reportedly coming out with a version 4.01 of its iOS operating system for the device tomorrow. Apple may shut off the avenue for this particular exploit as it also tries to fix the problem of calls being dropped because the phone is held in a particular way. Steve Jobs, responding to a user complaint, said in an email that users should “stay tuned” for more info on the reception issue.

In addition, Planetbeing tweeted that the jailbroken exploit is nowhere near ready for release. So Apple appears to have some breathing room to deal with this problem.[source]


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